Australian Main Stream Media Propaganda

The Australian main stream media has never been a trusted source of objective information during my entire life. I’d call every news source in Australia, just opinion pieces. There are very few, if any main stream media reporters ”journalists” in Australia that simply report on what happened. Without giving their unwanted opinion on ”what happened”, to add that extra dash of emotion to a story.

I get it, early on, the reporters that wrote objective truth would get less engagement because it seemed boring. So, ”journalists” would add a touch of emotion to their articles and would be rewarded for it. When a ”journalist” can tap into our inner most emotions by identifying ”good and evil” in the world, they would be rewarded financially for triggering such outrage. Next thing you know, this had exploded into full blown attacks on innocent Australian citizens, just so the main stream media could get extra clicks.

That’s right, innocent Australian citizens have had their lives ruined by the main stream media. Innocent Australian citizens have been chased down the street by main stream propagandists, just so their story can get extra clicks.

And we allowed it. Hell. We actually believed these people were guilty without even a trial. We allowed the main stream media to stalk innocent Australians outside their homes and chase them down the street. Most had never been found guilty of committing any crime.


It’s called ”trial by media”.

Now The Media Is Coming For YOU!

You know what people say about bullies. When a bully attacks someone else and you don’t stand up for them, eventually that bully will come for you. The Australian people never defended the rights of these innocent victims, now the main stream media is coming for you!

I have hundred of examples to talk about and maybe I’ll write different blog posts about each and every one. But today, the one example I’d like to use is how the Australian politicians have been lying about opening up the economy for almost 2 years.

Everyday these Australian politicians have been saying we’re opening up next week, then the next week comes and they lie again, by saying we’re opening up the week after. And the main stream media have never kept them honest. Not once! In fact, the main stream media has been complicit in the constant lies.

It’s now 7am on the 4th October 2021 and we are still locked up in Sydney Australia, when I remember the main stream media saying that we were going to open up in July 2020. Yes, they are capable of keeping a lie going for that long.

Australian Main Stream Media

main stream media in australia
One of Gladys Berejiklians hundreds of lies over the past two years

This is just a recent example of Gladys Berejiklian lying to the Australian people and the main stream media allowing that lie to never be challenged. Only the last few months have the main stream media started to even question Australian politicians. And this is only because the Australian people are so enraged with the constant lies being told to them.

The politicians know that if they said last year, that we would be under constant lockdowns for almost 2 years straight, the Australian people would ask too many uncomfortable questions. So, Gladys Berejiklian would lie about opening up next week, get everyone’s hopes up. Then move the goal posts a little further away, bit by bit, lie by lie. And the only reason Gladys was lying, was purely for her own self interests.

Think about it this way. Imagine a shop owner that ordered food for the next opening, that food arrives and cannot be used because Gladys Berejiklian locks down the economy again. The shop owners food cannot be sold and is ultimately spoiled. This is just one example of thousands of small business owners who have been destroyed as a direct result of Gladys Berejiklians lies and the main stream media never challenging the politicians lies.

NSW is Still Under Lockdown

NSW still in lockdown after hitting the 50% target. Lies on lies on lies and the main stream media support these lies by never challenging the politicians.

The Australian main stream media is 100% complicit in these lies, because they would have seen first hand early promises made by Australian politicians back in early 2020. If the main stream media started questioning the politicians lies earlier, then the later lies would have been increasingly difficult to make.

Australian Main Stream Media Is Broken

The media in Australia is broken in every way. Instead of being a reliable source of information, the main stream media in Australia is used how it is used in North Korea and China. Pure propaganda used for the purpose of the state. The Australian media should just be called the mouth piece of the Australian politicians, because that’s exactly what they are.

Sure, we can get some criticism of one politician from a media source, but that media source will be affiliated with a rival political party. There’s two political parties and there’s two political supporting media. Every media company in Australia is affiliated with a political party, not one is independent.

Australia Becomes a Totalitarian State

Which ultimately means. The main stream media doesn’t represent the Australian people. And this gives the Australian politicians more power to manipulate the public. Which has forced Australia to evolve into a totalitarian state.

Here are a few more articles on the mainstream media and their lies:

4 thoughts on “Australian Main Stream Media Propaganda”

  1. Another great blog. I’ll add that the mainstream media deliberately withholds vital information regarding our freedoms, rights and access to the courts.

    Remember, politicians create diabolical laws that restrict our freedom and rights, and access to our courts. Including passing a law allowing a magistrate or a judge to decide on cases alone.

    Trial by jury was practiced until they abolished that right. Trial by jury is a fundamental right. Our courts are where people govern themselves. A well informed jury can nullify bad laws.

    Politicians and MSM, deliberately witholds
    information, and the idiot woke eduction department doesn’t teach our children about their rights.

  2. I absolutely agree with your assessment! By and large I have seen the main media for what they are for many years now, pure OPINIONATED BULLSHIT comes to mind.
    Since the announcement by the World Economic Forum of the GREAT RESET in 2019 with the words “You will own nothing and you will be happy” I started to wonder how they would be able to achieve such an insane plan?!
    Come the “manufactured” pandemic their plan became suddenly clear to me.
    Pandemic+panic+ health emergency, thus cancelling democracies+finally and crucially the piece de resistance THE POISONOUS JAB masquerading as a vaxxine. The jab is of course not a vaxxine by definition but a possibly DNA altering potentially deadly drug. No telling what major health problems will be caused by the floating spike proteins?!!!
    I just hope enough of us will be strong enough to defeat this evil!!
    Keep up the good work and thank you.

  3. Ive been saying the same thing for years , Fake news mainstream media . They work for the establishment, not for the truth , they lie they are bias in their reporting . They do not put stories on that they should . When corrupt politicians get caught they actually stick up for them .

  4. Well Dave are you surprised? It’s not like Aussies are immune to human nature.
    I saw Alan Jones on sky earlier tonight telling everyone to ‘be nice nice to these politicians’ and even sorta marinated on what a turf job it is an how they deserve a break and let Gladys have get privacy about her affair with the Wagga Wagga dude.
    Its my belief Australia is trying to play catch up with the states, ya k I hating the police,mandates on vaccine ect ect. They were all sorta hold back with badded breath to see what happen in election with Trump so now that ‘the most popular president ever with the most votes of all time’ gets in xcomo crawls up his ass for some rubadub subs.
    We need a bill of rights we need to get of all the BS united nations crap. Daniel Andrews is next.
    Some other guy at youtube called kangaroo court say Gladys appointed the guy that leads the commissions on her an he’s corrupt as well.. it won’t change..
    I recommend learning about the John Birch life story and then about the John Birch society an the histories of founding America and the French revolution…. deep American truths. Australias should learn from it and realise auss is a puppet for the u.n.

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