Susie Youssef’s Poor Journalism Misrepresents Candace Owens

Susie Youssef’s segment on Candace Owens was extremely unfair and in my opinion was an immature hit piece targeting the person instead of addressing Candace Owens opinions in an objective way. This type of reporting does give all Australian media a bad name, in many peoples eyes.

After watching this short segment from ”the project” by Susie Youssef, I lost all hope for journalistic integrity in Australia. The most common type of article or TV segment made in Australia, is purely a childish attack on someone else, which make us all look bad to be honest. Every time an Australian journalist makes an unfair hit piece on someone they simply do not like, the whole country suffers.

Why can’t Australian journalists simply look at the argument someone is making and provide a good counter argument, or better, debate said person. If Australian journalists would to debate ideas instead of childish personal attacks on people, the Australian people will have a better understanding of what’s really going on.

Australian media is some of the most divided, most immature in the world and it’s an embarrassment to every Australian person.

Susie Youssef – Americans Are Worried About Australian Lockdowns

Susie Youssef starts her segment out by saying that one American commentator is so concern that she wants to send US troops to liberate us. Then Susie Youssef goes on to tell us about how touched she is (sarcastically), insert some flashy editing with a post card in background saying ”from Youssef to US”. The entire skit is downplaying the seriousness of covid and the negative affects it’s had on the Australian people.

Susie Youssef says in the most patronising way possible, we didn’t know how worried you were about us until now.

What Did Candace Owens Say?

Candace Owens said that Federal overreach in Australia has led to tyranny, totalitarianism, the type that leads to evil dictatorships and human atrocities.

This is the first clip Susie Youssef edited over the top, Australians at the beach relaxing without masks. But the problem is, during lockdowns Australians were not allowed to be at the beach, there are many videos of police harassing Australians for even walking on the beach without a good reason.

So, where did Susie Youssef get this footage? Who knows, she never told the viewers when and where the footage was taken. The main problem with Susie Youssef showing this footage is, the viewer will be led to believe that during the lockdowns, Australians were all having fun at the beach, which is not true.

Then Susie Youssef ignored what candace Owens said about totalitarianism, dictatorships and tyranny. She didn’t choose to address candace owen’s claims, Susie Youssef didn’t provide any counter arguments, instead she did what all Australian media does these days….

Susie Youssef said that ''this is Candace Owens and as far as I can tell'' is a passionate pro gun, Trump supporter, who believes white nationalism isn't that big of a deal, claims the US election was rigged and announced she'll never get the covid vaccine. 

I shouldn’t be giving a blow by blow account of this here, just check out my video below where I cover the segment Susie Youssef made about Candace Owens.

How Susie Youssef Responded To Candace Owens

After an extremely unfunny, sarcastic, mostly childish skit aimed at Candace Owens, Susie pointed out only one set of statistics.

  • USA covid stats : 733,385 deaths with 45.2 million cases

Instead of giving Australia’s stats, Susie Youssef simply said sarcastically, that’s almost double Australia’s population by the way. Anyone who would care to google the population of USA would discover that America has a population 7 times Australia’s. It seems like Susie just assumes the audience isn’t smart enough to think critically on this topic.

I’d like Susie Youssef take into account :

  • mental health issues
  • long term damage caused to small businesses who will never be able to retire
  • Suicide rates
  • long term deaths caused by having no access to hospital procedures

And the list goes on and on. I doubt Susie would like to address all those factors, it probably wouldn’t help her narrative that Candace Owens is overreacting.

Why Would The Project Do a Hit Piece on Candace Owens in Such an Immature Way?

In my opinion, Candace Owens made some extremely accurate statements about Australia. And just because I agree with Candace Owens, doesn’t mean that I want to live in an echo chamber of my own thoughts. In fact the opposite is true, I would like to see all my thoughts challenged in a mature debate or have someone add their counter arguments online, so I can learn something new.

Maybe I’m just different from most people. I’m quite open to new ideas and thoughts, and would love to be proven wrong, as that is what makes everyone better. This is lacking in Australia, we rarely if ever hear debates or exchanges of differing opinions, which is at the detriment of our entire society.

If the project of Susie Youssef are disturbed by what Candace Owens has to say, then address her arguments clearly, try to understand Candace Owens point of view as honestly as possible. Then address them with objective facts that refute Candace Owens claims. This is how mature adults exchange ideas, but instead it’s extremely disappointing to see the project of Susie Youssef use sarcasm to try discredit Candace Owens opinions.

What We Learned About Susie Youssef’s Character?

It’s pretty damming in my opinion, to see such an immature attack on Candace Owens done in the manner. The majority of Australians won’t go as deep into this as I will, but the few critical thinkers out there, like myself, will see straight thought this.

All I have is assumptions and unanswered questions.

We learned that Susie Youssef will make fun of someone she disagrees with, instead of using intelligent talking points to prove her opposition is wrong. This is a huge character flaw that most children have, yet they eventually grow out of, when they leave high school.

Is it possible that Candace Owens was 100% accurate in her statements about Australia? It’s more scary to see the main stream media put on a hit piece with zero counterarguments. All this does is make someone like myself think that Candace Owens was right, because if she was wrong, the project and Susie Youssef would have made a mockery of those points. But Susie had none.

Susie Youssef misrepresents Candace Owens on The Project

Here are a few more articles on the mainstream media and their lies:

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