What is the AUKUS Alliance? (2021)

what is AUKUS - AUKUS meaning - aukus definition - aukus nations

What is AUKUS? it’s a iron clad military alliance between Australia, UK and US (AUKUS) who are already strong allies of each other. The aukus pact was made public on the 15th September 2021. AUKUS pact signatories identify countries in the agreement who are a threat, have a concrete plan to combat these threats and agree to act militarily to defend each other.

Sydney’s Economic Growth Flatlines (2021)

australian economy

The length and severity of the lockdowns are entirely in the hands of Glady’s Berejiklian and our unelected ”health expert” Dr Kerry Chant. This is where the uncertainty around our future is coming from and their grip on power seems to be getting stronger by the day, which is only increasing the uncertainty we face.