Does Parliamentary Democracy and Responsible Government Adequately Protect Human Rights in Australia?

Australia has a well-constructed public image that is almost entirely a fake facade, purely for it’s international reputation. The problem is, Australian people have no human rights, and Australia is one of the most corrupt countries on planet Earth. It’s a disgrace that Australia has such a good international reputation, yet it’s in fact a disgustingly crooked, cancerous country from within.

Why Australia Doesn’t Protect Peoples’ Human Rights. This is a controversial topic that presents a challenge to philosophers, political theorists, and jurists. The question of whether parliamentary democracy and responsible government adequately protects human rights in Australia is one that has occupied much of the present author’s time over the last decade.

The Australian constitution does not explicitly protect human rights. Why doesn’t it in this case, and what would it take for Australia to become a signatory and take human right seriously, to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?

Do Australia’s Laws protect Human Rights?

A Bill of Rights protects people from malevolent governments, and is a list of the most important human rights to the citizens of every country, typically protecting those rights from infringement from public officials and private citizens. The purpose of a bill of rights, is to prevent bad actors from having the ability to abuse their power and ensure that personal liberties are preserved.

In 1986, Australian politicians had to decide whether to adopt a bill of rights. Not only did the evil Australian politicians decide against it, but according to the New Zealand Herald , “The fear of a bill of rights undermining discriminatory provisions in other laws was so great that a number of exemptions were made from it, including discriminating against aboriginal people and the Chinese.”

Human rights are scattered in many places. Australia’s Constitution, common law, and legislation — such as acts passed by the Commonwealth Parliament or state/territory parliaments — all contain human rights. To exercise these rights, you need to be aware of what they are, how they impact your everyday life, and how you can access them.

There are 5 individual rights in the Constitution:

  1. The right to vote
  2. Protection against acquisition of private property on unjust terms
  3. The right to a trial by jury
  4. Freedom of religion
  5. Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of state of residency

The legal system of Australia is based on the Common Law, which was inherited from the United Kingdom. This includes Magna Carta of 1215, which some historians believe to be the first time a human rights treaty was documented. Common law is made up by judges on a case-by-case basis and can be expanded or reduced by legislation passed by Parliament. Since Federation (in 1901), Australians have unsuccessfully tried to introduce a bill of rights, 1941, 1959, 1985, 1988, and 2009.

Do Australia’s laws protect human rights?

No. The Australian government is not forced to ,and is not legally obligated to protect the human rights of its citizens. If you want to live in Australia, it may be worth knowing a little more about the country’s human rights laws.

Our government is not legally obliged to protect human rights. We are signatories on five major international treaties that protect human rights, but these obligations are not backed by any legislation. Our rights are not legally protected.

If we don’t fight for them, no one else will. Australia is one of the few corrupt countries who are signatories on all five UN treaties that legislate the International Bill of Human Rights, yet don’t practice what they pretend to publicly. However, there is no specific law to hold the government accountable for their rights commitments. This leaves us vulnerable to abuse by those in power — and unsustainable practices that threaten our environment, livelihoods and rights.

Human Rights abuses are constantly swept under the rug. Australia, where some of the most barbaric crimes against humanity have occurred, lacks adequate laws to hold the government accountable for their actions.

People who argue that human rights protection in Australia is not necessary because we have a strong and engaged democracy, are living in the past. The idea that people can win rights through political activism or protests is simply outdated, and it’s failing Australians. Just look at the number of legal cases about human rights protection in Australia; only 18 percent of all cases get resolved before going to court.

Is Australia violating human rights?

Australia has a long history of human rights abuse. From the arbitrary detention of innocent refugees, to the use of torture against Aboriginal people and the early trade-off of sovereignty between Australia and Great Britain, our nation has done nothing but violate human rights. Our most recent failure to uphold human rights was during the Offshore Processing Centre scandal in 2014, when we turned our backs on women and children seeking refuge from their own countries.

To many, Australia is a beautiful country full of natural wonders and friendly people. Yet, many Australians live under the constant threat of violence, poverty and discrimination. The prison population in Australia is alarmingly high. In fact, it is one of the highest per capita in the world. Prisoners are being subjected to torture and inhumane treatment.
It’s simple: any time a government violates the human rights of its citizens, it is a violation of human rights. But in the case of Australia, there are many examples that prove this point.

In 1989, the UN Human Rights Committee expressed concern over Australia’s policy on juveniles serving life sentences without the possibility of parole — especially since the law allowed for juveniles as young as 14 to be sentenced to life in prison.

How to complain about human rights abuses in Australia?

To start with, NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU IN AUSTRALIA, check out my post about how I was fired for being disabled in Australia.

If you suffered hardship and believe your human rights have been violated in Australia, you are very much on your own. There is no legislation in Australia that will comprehensively enforce human rights protections.

It is distressing that there are still so many discrepancies in Australia’s treatment of human rights. It is important to remember what we fought for: the right to be treated fairly under the law. Many people do not realize that Australia is the only Western democracy without a bill of rights protections.

Australians should be able to trust their leaders, but this is not possible without a bill of rights.