What are the Disability Rights in Australia?

Today lets look at some of the laws that are supposed to protect disabled people in Australia. From my personal experience, there are many laws in Australia that are simply empty words, none of these fake laws actually get enforced, therefore none of these laws actually protect any disabled people in Australia.

”Rights” and ”Laws” are simply words without a way to enforce them, and the only way to get ”justice” in Australia is to be extremely wealthy in the beginning. Because the law only protects people who have the money to access it.

What are the Disability rights in Australia? Australia identifies the rights of persons that are living with a disability, they have the liberty of movement, freedom to choose their nationality and their residence, just as any other citizen would.

There is no comprehensive definition that encompasses people with disabilities, people with disabilities are inclusive of people who have long-term physical, intellectual, mental, or even sensory impairments which may act as a hindrance to their full participation in activities with others in society.

About one in every five Australians has a disability, and this affects and poses as a barrier in studying, working, in sports, and taking part in everyday activities.
Disability discrimination is when a person that is living with a disability is treated less fairly than a person who is able-bodied and without a disability in the same situation, and a rule or policy that is similar for everyone except people living with a disability.

The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) has made disability discrimination unlawful and promotes equal rights, equal opportunity, and equal access for people that are living with disabilities.
It is made against the law to be treated unfairly because they live with a disability, It also covers past disability, if people think you have a disability and if you were to develop one in the future.

The Disability Discrimination Act protects you against discrimination in many areas of life, and also protects you if you are harassed because of a disability, at work, in school, or while receiving a service, and also help people living with a disability in the following ways:

  1. Employment: they help you in landing a job, the terms and condition that comes with the job, promotions, job training, and also dismissal. 
  2. Accommodation: they assist you in securing accommodation depending on your preference, renting or buying. 
  3. Accessing public areas: they help with your access to public areas such as restaurants, shops, parks, and also shopping centers. 
  4. Education: they assist in enrolling or studying in a private or public school, a college, or a university. 
  5. Use of Services: they assist in the use of various services such as banking, and insurance, services that are provided by government departments, and the professional services that are provided by lawyers and doctors. 

The Australian human rights commission working through the Disability Discrimination Commissioner works with governments, civil society, and the private sector to help individuals and organizations understand their rights and meet their legal responsibilities.

The United Nations have a Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) which was sanctioned in 2008 is an international human rights convention the primary reason it was set up for the fundamental human rights for people living with a disability, their rights to education, employment and use of services.

The main goal of this human rights organization is to promote, preserve, and ensure that all people in every country, no matter what their race, religion, gender, political affiliation etc have full and equal access to all human rights and fundamental freedoms. living with disabilities, to help promote respect for their inherent dignity.

The Australian Government has followed a considerably improved process in developing a new Action Plan, with significantly higher compliance with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights’ Handbook on National Human Rights Action Plans.