How The Chinese Diaspora Are Colonizing Australia Aggressively (Chatswood Sydney)

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Today is Australia Day, Chatswood is just north of Sydney CBD, as you can have a look, most of the buildings here, were built off Chinese money.

Most of these buildings here, most of the money in this area comes from China.

The CCP has funded Chatswood, Sydney, Australia.

This is Australia Day and what I’m going to do is I’m going to look around Chatswood and look at what a Chinese suburb that’s built with Chinese money is, how they celebrate Australia Day.

If you want any evidence that it’s Australia Day, that someone wearing a straight-A hat, straight-A T-shirt, etc.

Yes, I’m sacrificing my Australia Day to walk around Chatswood looking for CCP subversion. Yes, I know it’s strange and yes, I am sacrificing my Australia day to do so.

Chatswood in Sydney is a Chinese colony full of racist CCP agents

The CCP Uses Chatswood as a Chinese Stronghold in Australia

I just had a look at the RSL. There’s an Australian flag out the front of the RSL but when you look in the windows there’s no evidence that today’s Australia Day, there are no signs.

There’s no nothing on the outside. I looked in the windows Chatswood RSL doesn’t seem to be celebrating Australia Day at all.

I can’t see any evidence here of Australia Day at all. Nothing, except for that one lady wearing an Australia Day hat and a t-shirt that has the Australian flag on it.

There’s no other evidence at this particular spot.

Above the train station, it’s beneath me. There is a food court. This particular food court here is owned by Chinese people.

What they do is they have this trick. They hire a lot of guys from the Middle East or from, say, the subcontinent areas to be security.

Where Do Chinese Immigrate To In Australia?

What they do is if you are white in here and I’ve got video evidence of it, the security, if you are white, they will come over, if you’re sitting in their restaurant.

There are Asian, so they should be fine. But I’ve been sitting in the same spot and had the security come over to me and say, hey, have you bought anything?

And I go, yes, I bought a drink over there, but I finished it.

And then they say, well, you’re going to have to leave. They go, what? And I start filming them. They said, hey, how dare you film me?

And then he calls the next security guard. Next thing I know, I’ve got all these security guards standing around me.

And in my opinion, they kicked me out purely based on the color of my skin, because there’s no evidence that these guys here that are sitting down have bought anything.

Chatswood is a Racist Chinese Suburb in Australia

But they were kicking me out based on the color of my skin.

Again, there is zero evidence here that it is Australia Day today. Nothing at all.

The person is standing in front of me. He has given me a bad look. I know what his problem is.

If you have a camera or you just walk around here and you’re white they give you a filthy look around here.

Is There a Chinese Community in Australia?

Now there is a girl up there sitting there. I walk by and she gives me a filthy look and she stuck a finger up at me.

I decided to come up for another look at her and she did the same.

The only reason why she looked at me is that I’m white.

There are not many white people around here. There’s very little if any when you look around and that girl right there, that one stuck a finger up at me.

She’s looking at me like I did something wrong. Like white people I’m crazy. Now, how many places on planet Earth do you have someone do that what did I do wrong? This is the hatred of white people in Chatswood.

Like just being white you walk around and they abuse you, they threaten you and they assault you around here.

Now, again, three years ago, I came here on Australia Day, and right in this spot right here, there was like a Chinese New Year. It was a massive pig.

This was about three years ago now, I believe and I was asked to leave for filming in this area.

Why? Because I was white. Asian people never have people come over and say, don’t film.

But this year, since I made the video three years later, they don’t do that anymore.

Chinese Diaspora in Australia Are Racist

What they do is they just eradicate any evidence of Australia Day in this area instead of covering it up.

Chinese New Year celebration ornaments and things all over the place, which they did the entire place was red three years ago.

Now what they do is they eradicate any evidence of Australia Day here.

Chatswood has a lot of money. There’s a lot of money here. The people that have the money here definitely do not want you thinking about Australia Day.

They want you to think about China, that’s it.

They don’t like Australia Day. The only evidence I found is these weird banners that are green and it says Hashtag Australia day Chatswood.

I doubt anyone’s doing anything for that. Maybe if I look through Hashtag Australia Day Chatswood, there might be more people using the hashtag to promote Chinese New Year than actually promoting Australia Day.

On a day like today, the subversion within the country, they use this day to fund things like Invasion Day to weaken Australia Day.

Chinese New Year in Chatswood Australia

They do everything in their power to weaken it and then on Chinese New Year, they are like Hey, come to our celebration because our celebration is far more important than your Australia Day.

This is how they control the narrative and subvert Australia from within. If you don’t know its Australia, you can’t celebrate it.

If Willoughby Council, which is definitely in Gladys Lui’s back pocket because Willoughby Council lobbied or whoever lobbied the people with the money here in Chatwood, they lobbied for that Metro to go in.

That Metro was funded by all Australians. So they can send money to Chatsworth.

If you look at the Metro, the Metro brings a lot of foot traffic to this area. So all of the people from that Metro, they get on that Metro and then they arrive in Chatswood.

When they arrive in Chatswood, what happens is they realize that Australia isn’t important.

So Gladys Berejiklian and by building that Metro to funnel people here to make these people here more wealthy, give them more business, give them more foot traffic, fill up this Westfield, etc.

Chinese Weaponize Culture Against People in Australia

Fill out the Mandarin Center that’s only really designed to weaken Australia as a whole and give money to the people who hate this country as a nation-state.

When you think about it, when they’re promoting China within Australia, that’s civilization. China is not a nation, China is a civilization.

I mentioned it a lot of times a lot of people disagree at the moment, but that’s only a short-term thing.

Eventually, everyone will agree with me. China is a civilization and every Chinese person does not all love China. There are a lot of dissidents out there sure, but they’re the minority.

The vast majority are from China and they see themselves just by the color of their skin.

I can see they’re promoting the Chinese New Year on Australia day in Chatswood.

Because the people here don’t care about Australia Day or Australia as a nation. They’re not appreciative of coming to this country.

What they are is a part of a civilization that is only there really to promote China in your nation and turn your nation into a submissive tributary state.

That’s just how it works around here. Inside Westfield. Westfield is controlled by the CCP. I have been assaulted by someone by a Chinese person in this Westfield.

And the people did nothing because, well, Chinese privilege. You see, they’re setting the stuff up before Australia Day. It is Australia Day today.

You can’t see any evidence of Australia Day. All you can do is see evidence of Chinese New Year, which is pretty much Chinese Day.

Chinese New Year is used as soft power to promote China within your country. That’s how they do it on Australia Day.

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